has a great selection of personalized Christmas Party Invitations. Click here to order!

It’s Christmas time again and time to celebrate with your loved ones. A party is always fun when you have planned properly. If not, the party can be full of running last minute errands. The traditional potluck is always easy on the pocket book. Decorations for Christmas are usually already in your home. No party is complete without games.
Your party will be so fun that people will be asking when it will be next year. Do it yourself Christmas party invitations are easy and from the heart. The old fashioned way is to tape a candy cane to the outside of the envelope. The new and improved way is to send an email invitation to all of your friends. The best way to get everyone to come is to do both. An invitation post card is easy to create on your home computer with software that is available for free.
Party decorations are easier if you have the party at your house it should already be decorated for Christmas. A village with small houses, snow on the ground and moving train. The pictures that you already have on the walls in your house can be wrapped with wrapping paper. You can make Christmas bows and hang them around the house. Music is very important. It is not a decoration but it can make or break a party.
Instead of giving out gifts to everyone, a white elephant or dirty Santa game can be played. This is where everyone brings one random gift and puts it under the tree. Then names or numbers are drawn from a hat or bowl. If you don’t like your gift that you opened then you can take a gift from someone else and give them what you don’t want.
If you like to have parties and this party was memorable for you, then you should make it a tradition. Such as the Saturday night before Christmas. This way every year your friends and family are aware that you will be hosting the best party. has a great selection of personalized Christmas Party Invitations. Click here to order!